Product Units FAQ

The largest unit of measurement in our system is a box (BOX).

BOX- Product tab, you can see how many items are in the box. Other products are put in boxes as a final packing unit.

KG - Kilogram. The final price of a product obtained by multiplying the amount of KG box and the relative price of a kilogram. The boxes are weighted according to the manufacturer's packing.

TUB - Tube. The unit, which can be compared to the box because tube contains smaller units. Tubes mostly contains same type of goods, for example. lollipops, which have been already packaged in the tube by the manufacturer. Most often there is 4-6 tubes in the box, but the box can contain only 1-2 tubes. Tubes can not be divided into smaller units.

BL - Block. The unit, which can be compared to the box because tube contains smaller units. Most often there is one block in the box, but the box can contain 2-4 block. Block can not be divided into smaller units.

BAG - Bag. Plastic packaging for small products, such as. sweets. The number of bags in the box may vary depending on the manufacturer.

PCS - Piece. Products sold by pieces. Pieces can be put into bigers units for example: tubes, boxes

PACK - small plastic packaging products, such as. sweets. The number of packs in the box may vary depending on the manufacturer of syringes.